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Sustainability: Cross-generational journey

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Panther pro nature is an integral part of the corporate strategy and stands for sustainability at the Panther Group. The three pillars of sustainability - ecology, economy and social affairs - which are understood as a supplement to the Panther-Philosophy, are given equal consideration. These define the goals of the company, after which the entire Group aligns processes and continuously adapts to the latest developments. The focus is not on individual solution modules, but on a well thought-out overall solution on which day-to-day activities are aligned. The use of resources without burdening them beyond their ability to regenerate opens up the opportunity to optimize cost structures or to generate unique selling points. A key motive for Panther to develop new solutions is to offer customers the opportunity to offer substitutes that can replace multi-material packaging or displays. The elimination of plastic in the most diverse transport or sales packaging is one of the increasingly important market requirements, which is being met with intelligent products.

The use of water-based ink systems for flexographic printing, which is using by the Panther Group, and starch-based glues for gluing the paper webs also support the recyclability of the high-quality, high-selling printed corrugated board products.

Responsibility and innovation go hand in hand

With a long-term orientation, the Group always strives to make a contribution to the protection and preservation of the environment (soil, air and water) and to specifically minimize its own CO2 footprint. This includes the impact of the products on the CO2 emissions of the entire value chain from raw material production to corrugated board production and processing to delivery to the customer. Along this chain, the Panther Group is striving for the reduction and substitution of emission-intensive drivers, while maintaining the same and even increasing the quality of the products. Measures with targets up to the year 2050 have been defined, taking into account the respective circumstances of individual locations. This includes the fact that the entire Panther Group has been using CO2-neutral electricity since 2021, to name just one example. Current comparative figures show that the Panther Group managed to emit 28% less CO2 in the years from 2018 to 2020. This is the success of a wide range of measures, from the commissioning of the state-of-the-art machinery, optimized logistics and the conscious use of materials.

Furthermore, product innovations, for example through the use of grass paper and the use of increasingly light-weight paper for the flexo preprint (Panther Smart Print at the Panther Print GmbH), drive forward the economical use of materials. Numerous customers are already following these offers. This is shown, among other things, by a display that was made partly from grass paper. The secondary placement for the campaign, a pallet display made from the combination of corrugated board and grass paper produced to save water and carbon dioxide, is a result of the experts from the Panther Display GmbH & Co. KG.

With Panther pro nature for the next generation

Material reduction, resource-saving production and new, recyclable raw materials form the foundation for Panther pro nature: Packaging and displays for a wide variety of customers combine sustainability criteria with the indispensable protection, distribution and marketing functions. There are already numerous examples on the market today of customers use the natural look and feel of corrugated board in combination with grass paper. Products, brands and manufacturers that particularly emphasize their natural origin and quality find the perfect match for their appearance at the point of sale in this combination of materials.

Saving at the right point: Eco-Tray as a crate for fresh food

Ever since the Panther developed the material-saving "Eco-Tray" crates, many customers have already opted for this solution. It is an example of sustainable packaging. The automated erecting process of the tray is ideally supported by the choice of material. The Eco-Tray proves its impressive savings potential compared to previous packaging solutions: The crates have a material weight that is up to 45% less than the stacking tray variant of the past. At the same time, this means significant CO2 savings. The material savings achieved are also accompanied by reduction in costs. The Eco-Tray offers considerable advantages both in the entire logistics process (less loading volume and thus truck transport) and in handling. The tray, which is offset printed in many colors according to the customer's specifications, is a lightweight and robust crate that also meets all of the customers' marketing requirements.

Lightweight wrap-around packs

Multipacks or transport packaging made of corrugated board for beverage containers and various self-supporting products such as bottles, cans and composite packaging (wrap-around blanks) meet the high protection and presentation requirements in distribution and retail millions of times a day. Panther's “economy cut” proves that this packaging still has potential for innovation. Material and thus also weight savings of up to 30% compared to classic wrap-around packs or high-sided trays are achieved with this economical and versatile development. The intelligent design uses the requirement for viewing windows to save the side flaps that would be required. Instead, they are made from the same material as the side windows. This design idea, which sounds simple, protects the contents optimally and for example presents cans effectively through visibility from all sides. The additional cost minimization through logistical advantages in palletising and shipping are further attributes of the "economy cut".

Logistics and distribution partner corrugated board

Although the generation of greenhouse gas emissions is unavoidable, corrugated board products made from renewable raw materials are part of the circular economy. As a result, packaging and displays are returned to the cycle after use through recycling. Apart from that, the importance and thus the most important function of packaging should not be ignored: high-performance transport, shelf and sales packaging made of corrugated board contributes to the conservation of resources by offering optimal protection for all types of filling goods and thus in perfect condition reach the consumers. The aim is to prevent product losses in the distribution chains. Products and packaged goods are protected from external harmful influences, which can be predominantly of a mechanical nature, as is the environment from unwanted contact with the contents.

With its circular products, targeted measures and the climate protection project, the Panther Group demonstrates its sense of responsibility towards people and the environment, thus underscoring its sustainable thinking and acting. In addition, the company compensates the CO2 emissions caused.


Am richtigen Punkt sparen: Eco-Tray als Steige für Frischekost

Seit dem Panther die materialsparenden Steigen „Eco-Tray“ entwickelt hat, haben sich bereits viele Kunden für diese Lösung entschieden. Sie ist ein Beispiel für eine nachhaltige Verpackung. Der automatisierte Aufrichteprozess des Trays wird durch die Materialwahl ideal unterstützt. Seine beeindruckenden Sparpotenziale belegt das Eco-Tray im Vergleich zu vorherigen Verpackungslösungen: Die Steigen weisen ein um bis zu 45% reduziertes Materialgewicht gegenüber der Stapeltrayvariante der Vergangenheit auf. Dies bedeutet gleichzeitig eine drastische CO2-Einsparung. Mit der erreichten Materialersparnis geht auch eine Kostenreduktion einher. Sowohl im gesamten Logistikprozess (weniger Ladevolumen und damit LKW-Transporte) als auch im Handling bietet das Eco-Tray beträchtliche Vorteile. Das nach Kundenvorgabe im Offsetdruckverfahren vielfarbig bedruckte Tray ist eine leichte und robuste Steige, die auch alle Marketingansprüche der Kunden erfüllt.

Leichtgewichtige Wrap-around-Packungen

Multipacks oder Transportverpackungen aus Wellpappe für Getränkegebinde und diverse selbsttragende Produkte wie Flaschen, Dosen und Verbundverpackungen (Wrap-around Zuschnitte) erfüllen täglich millionenfach die hohen Schutz- und Präsentationsanforderungen in Distribution und Handel. Dass diese Verpackungen durchaus noch Innovationspotenzial bieten, beweist der „Spar-Schnitt“ von Panther. Material- und damit auch Gewichtseinsparungen von bis zu 30% im Vergleich zu klassischen Wrap-around-Packungen oder Hochbordtrays werden mit dieser sparsamen und vielseitigen Entwicklung erzielt.

Die intelligente Konstruktion nutzt die Anforderung nach Sichtfenstern dazu, die sonst üblichen Seitenlaschen einzusparen. Stattdessen werden sie aus dem Material der Seitenfenster gefertigt. Diese simpel klingende Konstruktionsidee schützt den Inhalt optimal und präsentiert zum Beispiel Dosen effektiv durch allseitige Sichtbarkeit. Die zusätzliche Kostenminimierung durch logistische Vorteile bei Palettierung und Versand sind weitere Attribute des „Spar-Schnitts“.

Logistik- und Distributionsverbündeter Wellpappe

Obgleich eine Verursachung von Treibhausgas-Emissionen unvermeidbar ist, sind Wellpappenprodukte aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen Teil der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Folglich werden Verpackungen und Displays nach ihrem Gebrauch durch Recycling wieder dem Kreislauf zugeführt. Abgesehen davon ist die Bedeutung und damit die wichtigste Funktion von Verpackungen nicht außer Acht zu lassen: Leistungsstarke Transport-, Regal- und Verkaufsverpackungen aus Wellpappe tragen zur Schonung von Ressourcen bei, da sie optimalen Schutz für Füllgüter aller Art bieten und diese somit in einwandfreiem Zustand zu den Verbrauchern gelangen. Es gilt, Produktverluste in den Distributionsketten zu verhindern. Produkte und Packgüter werden vor externen schädlichen Einflüssen, die überwiegend mechanischer Art sein können, ebenso bewahrt wie die Umwelt vor unerwünschten Kontakten mit den Füllgütern.

Die Panther-Gruppe beweist durch ihre Kreislaufprodukte sowie gezielten Maßnahmen und dem Klimaschutzprojekt Verantwortungsbewusstsein gegenüber Menschen und Umwelt und unterstreicht so ihr nachhaltiges Denken und Handeln. Zusätzlich gleicht das Unternehmen die verursachten CO2-Emissionen aus.

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