Funny fresh fan curve for the European Football Championship - Stadium atmosphere for chips and snacks

For the large placements this literally means: When using four Euro pallets for the popular chips and snacks, the second placement measures 2.80 x 1.60 x 2.40 m. In the variant with eight Euro pallets it is even 5.20 x 1.60 x 2.40 m. Panther Display GmbH & Co. KG has developed innovative foot elements for this purpose, which ensure a stable connection between pallet and decoration. The funny-frisch campaign, which will last for the entire duration of the European Football Championship, offers the opportunity to exchange pallets, and thus new goods, at any time. To do this, the feet can be separated from the pallets and reinserted later.
The presentation solutions use equally attractive decorative elements made of corrugated board, which transfer the typical football stadium atmosphere to the food retail trade. Thanks to towering topper, which depict the funny-frisch products and carry the slogan "THE FUNNY FAN CURVE", the displays achieve the best possible, far-reaching perceptibility. In addition, floodlight masts are partially integrated, which make the presentation even more authentic.

All secondary placement designs are designed for quick and easy assembly. In the case of the pre-assembled Euro pallets, the display and decorative elements are already attached to the pallet of goods and delivered to the retailer, where they can be assembled in just a few simple steps.
The special placements are based on a hexagonal chute that is erected on site and the high floodlight masts that add to the appeal. The floodlight masts consist of a holder, tube and floodlight box, which are inserted into the base. The special feature of a very large amount of space in the store is the use of additional decorative elements that emphasize the staging even more and offer more sales space.
A banderole printed with classic football motifs and tubes of different lengths (depending on the pallet occupancy) as carriers for the topper complement the secondary placement of the central area presentation.
After use, the displays are regularly sent for waste paper recycling.