85 years of Panther Display - expansion and specialization under the umbrella of the Panther Group
Panther Display stands for almost two decades of steady growth. The foundation stone for this was laid 85 years ago by the founders of the Otto Kriegsch company; Since then, further technological development has been promoted under the umbrella of the Panther Group. The successful development is largely supported by, for example, the expansion and further qualification of the team, through extensive investments in the most modern production facilities in accordance with the best possible environmental standards. Belonging to the Panther Group, Panther Display is also a climate-neutral company.
In the years 2008 (new construction of the Panther Display in Wustermark) and 2016 (doubling of the production area) important milestones for the development of the company occurred. In line with the ever-increasing quality requirements of Panther Display’s wide range of customers, state-of-the-art high-performance machines (such as gluing tables, assembly surfaces, pressure belts and the installation of a new flatbed die-cutter) as well as well-trained and experienced employees in manual work, assembly and the gluing department form the backbone of production. The development of the Panther Pharma Service was promoted by investing in specific additional units such as folding machines for leaflets, automatic erecting and filling systems, and measuring and weighing systems.
As a specialist for exceptional products that support brands and promote sales, they ensure consumer activation and the generation of willingness to buy in every retail environment. Individual developments of modular display systems go hand in hand with holistic approaches to create a unit of standard and individual display solutions for customers. Panther Display also uses the strengths of the Panther Group for this, in which the optimal solution is developed across locations, depending on customer requirements, taking into account economic and ecological aspects, for example the ideal printing process (flexo direct printing or flexo preprint).
Dank sehr effektiver und hochflexibler Displayklebemaschinen sowie der jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung in Handklebeprozessen entstehen so zum Beispiel attraktive und clevere neue Displays und Dekos für den PoS, welche einen Zusatznutzen für Handel und Markenartikelhersteller bieten. Falttechniken, Steckverbindungen und Klebelösungen, wie sie bei Panther Display entwickelt werden, bilden die Grundlage für leichten Aufbau selbst von Großflächendisplays. Gleichzeitig gelingt es, die PoS-Elemente aus nur noch ein- oder zweiteiligen Elementen zu fertigen – für etliche außergewöhnliche Funktionalitäten wurden Panther Display Patente und Gebrauchsmusterschutz erteilt. Auch 85 Jahre nach der Unternehmensgründung ist bei Panther Display die Freude an Neu- und Weiterentwicklungen ungebrochen. Die anhaltend positive Unternehmensentwicklung spricht für ein weiter wachsendes Team in Wustermark.