Sheet shape for maximum stability - New design horizons for packaging and displays

One of the primary tasks of packaging and PoS presentations through marketing is to generate attention and interest. To appeal to consumers with all their senses is the declared goal of professional packaging developers and designers. Packaging is a brand ambassador, a source of trust, a guarantor of quality and benefit, a sales consultant and a promise to consumers to make the right purchase decision. Differentiation while at the same time clearly recognisable is therefore the decisive criterion for success for the individual brand in everyday supermarket life. Corrugated board packaging meets these criteria in a wide variety of applications, as it is perceived hapticly in addition to high-quality optical design. In combination with the possibilities of ARCWISE® technology, new opportunities arise to create consumer-friendly and attractive PoS solutions – and to generate more brand loyalty.
Shapes and print motifs in flowing harmony
Since no edges or right angles have to be taken into account when designing packaging or displays, completely new concepts for print images are possible: For example, photorealistic motifs can run from the front and back to the side curves without disturbing interruptions. This opens up a variety of new concepts for designers and designers to take innovative paths for branded product manufacturers with their wishes for individual, brand-typical packaging.
The technology offers approaches for almost every industry to implement new ideas with the arc-shaped solutions. Beverage packaging with comfortable carrying handles is just as important as fruit or vegetable ladders. A whole new look can be created, while at the same time stackability and carrying capacity meet the known requirements. Displays also win: Rounded side views increase the viewing area, make products even more recognizable and give the overall appearance a more harmonious picture.
Combined with the interesting optical design features, the ARCWISE® technology offers a high potential for savings in packaging weight: Depending on the requirements profile of individual solutions, material savings can be achieved and resources can be conserved. This translates into an improved carbon footprint. ARCWISE® refers to the circular arc; this architecturally familiar design is recognized for its particularly high stability. The round shapes support the excellent stackability or strength of packaging or displays and thus their stability. The products are characterized by a higher stacking resistance as well as a significantly higher resistance to shear loads or dynamic forces, as they occur during transport. This property profile results in very powerful, protective packaging for all kinds of filling materials.
During shipping and transport, the filled packages with their attractive curves bring further advantages to bear: Pallets wrapped in stretch film are significantly less susceptible to pressure damage, as the film fits more easily around the contours.
Since the beginning of this year, the Panther Group has been the licensee of the ARCWISE® technology. ARCWISE® is a registered trademark of SCA Forest Products AB, Sweden, which is the patent holder.